There's been a lot of research on these attitudes, some of which I've posted before.
We may assume that he means that he gets upset, when he sees two men walking hand in hand, or hugging or kissing. Why? The research indicates that heterosexual men do not generally get upset over such things, but men who are attracted to the same sex, but have deeply buried their feelings for men and persuaded themselves that those feelings are a sin or so do get upset. In other words they suffer from an internalised homophobia. My gayxjw friend (whom I guess I defend here) was once confronted with a ranting street preacher, going on and on about the sin of Sodom (which he did not understand at all). My friend turned to him and said, "Oh! I see the gay fairy kissed you too."
The guy went into meltdown.
So when you see someone like Actigall UR, you can feel sympathetic. He's having a difficult time dealing with his innermost, deeply buried feelings. If he sees two blokes kissing, he's ripped apart inside. He needs sympathy, not confrontation, as difficult as that may be in the circumstance of centuries of Christian hatred expressed toward gay people.
I think you'll understand
Sorry bloke, but I think your projecting. You see, I'm an atheist so there is no "Christian hatred" persuading my sentiment. And I couldn't care less when two gays hold hands or whatever. On the contrary, I have a great sympathy for them and wish them well and all the luck in the world with their happiness. After all, the way I conclude, it was their defective genetic material passed down from their parents that caused them to be attracted to another man's lower digestive track. So it just as well could have been me - one giant roll of the cosmic dice, as Carl Sagan likes to say.